After much deliberation between these 4 games:
The Lord of the Rings (the card game)
Race for the Galaxy
Mage Knight
I've decided that tomorrow I am buying The Lord of the Rings Card Game from Amazon.
I am looking for a game that plays well solo, without changing the multi-player mechanics too much. For example, Thunderstone played solo pits the player against the monsters in the dungeon (that form a pile of victory points once they move passed rank 1 of the dungeon), whereas multiplayer mode compares victory points of each player (by successfully defeating monsters or upgrading heroes who gain victory points).
From the reviews I have read, The Lord of the Rings card game plays almost identical solo as it does in multi-player mode. My fiance likes to play the occasional board game, while I have the desire to play a board game several times daily. Haha. Therefore, the need to find great solo games has finally come. I asked her this morning which game I should get, she replied, "Get which one you want because I don't like those games anyway." So there you have all comes down to what I will enjoy playing solo. I am STILL trying to convince her to attempt playing another game of Thunderstone with me. No luck there.
One of my favorite games is Arkham Horror. I love playing Arkham Horror solo, but it is more fun with other I don't play it as often as I would like to. I'm already itching for an expansion to get my hands on some new investigators. There are a handful of investigators I feel I will never try to play from the base set. (I played Sister Mary once and went unconscious several times...her stamina of 3 is not the best, so she is definitely on my "play only sparingly" list).
Once I get The LOTR game, I will take some unboxing pictures and post my thoughts of the game. Maybe I can convince my fiance to play one game with me to effectively compare the game's mechanics with 1 and 2 players. Until then, good gaming to you all.
P.s. Mage Knight is next on my would be first if the price wasn't so steep. OUCH! I need to save up for that kind of purchase. If any of you have played it, I'd appreciate some input on solo play. Thanks!
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